Thursday, February 2, 2012

Push the Paradigm

The following is a thread of conversation I started among friends and thought it was worthy of my blog:

I sleep and work when I want. My schedule is all over the place. I put in 11 years of stress and risk building something to sustain myself and afford me certain luxuries and freedoms. In all this, I've never once paid a bill late due to lack of funds and have sustained credit in the 96 percentile for years. I put in more years in school, working for a *pittance* in the public sector (24k-26k/yr) after 75k was spent on my college education in 1990's dollars, and then worked within the private sector before taking the largest risk by striking out on my own. I came from nothing but love.  I was raised in a single Mother household of 2 children from the get go where times were extremely tough for our little household.  Looking at the big picture, a very small bit of financial help was given.  I'm thankful for every shred of support my family gave at a young age and thankful to have grown up with an incredible role model.  My Sister worked her heart and soul to the bone to become an M.D. and didn't just eek by her journey in receiving her medical license.  She was rarely beyond the top 5 in large classes of peers when graduating each step along the way.  Let's just say that, as a young confused teenager, I was on the path to utter loserville and I credit watching my Sister graduate #2 in her class of 800 during high school while getting accepted to one of the most prestigious undergrad programs in America, among many other accolades, was a major wake up call for me.  Come hell or high water, I wasn't going to be the problem kid all my life as I had my moments and handouts were not an option in my family.  However, I would have to do it my way and I quickly strayed from the traditional. 

Americans work too damn much. We spend more time with the people in the office than our family, loved ones, and friends. Pitifully, most people are simply taking up desk space and office time doing absolutely nothing!  Why must people be made to physically be somewhere when they are accomplishing nothing?  People should only work when being 100% productive or when there is an opportunity to be 100% productive.  Being chained to a desk waiting for something to act upon that effects the bottom line due to the 9 to 5 paradigm is Dinosaur mentality.  Of course, there are jobs out there which you are productive every moment you are there but most of them aren't found in corporate cubicle farms.  They are found in service industries which are full of respectable, hard working, and even wildly successful people for whom I admire knowing I couldn't do what they do.  

So, yes, our typical work mentality makes no sense to me at all especially when you've got better luck finding an 8 legged ballerina than securing a proper retirement package or steady employment over the years from a single corporate entity these days. This isn't the 50's or 60's anymore and corporations will cut your ass at 50 years old quicker than a virgin loses their flower on prom night. I've seen this happen first hand with family members dedicating themselves for most of their lives for one corporate stable only to get shit on in the end. It's not worth taking the chance and I'd rather get with the lot that employs over 80% of Americans. Small business. Last, we are the least traveled culture on Earth due to this whack work "ethic" that everyone hates and our ignorant attitude saying, "America is the best...why would I want to go anywhere else?" There's no arguing it. I've met citizens from all over the world that are more worldly at 24 years old than 90% of Americans as travel is part of their education and life at a young age.  I've met people that think I'm downright off and even seem to quietly criticize me for going to "odd" far off places.  I've been asked, "what's over there that's so fascinating?  What's over there that we Americans don't have...we have it all here."  The best answer to this is, "I DON'T KNOW...THAT'S THE MAIN REASON TO GO...TO FIND OUT!"

I'll eventually get off my soap box but I've been thinking quite a bit about this. Outside of professionally licensed professions, our entire education system in the USA is a joke designed to put people in debt and enslave them as obedient monkeys to those that hold 99.9% of the wealth in this country. College is an evil business supported by and built by people that own us.  I'll raise my Son with this knowledge and let him make his own decisions on how to proceed with his life. I'll want him to listen to his heart versus high school counselors telling him that, "without going straight to college, you'll be flipping burgers for the rest of your life."  I'll encourage him to challenge people that seem to shovel manure around for a living.  Most of the innovative billionaires and visionaries in this world are educational system dropouts and this speaks volumes. I actually know some people personally like this that excel and make insanely successful financial strides after dropping the educational system. We should encourage passions in this country backed by the tools and means to pursue such passions versus enrollment and degrees as these things are old fashioned and antiquated ways of thinking.   We should also encourage people to organize their world to have the freedom to sleep weird hours and live outside of the box created by the 99.9% of the ass hats holding the cash, owning this country, and steering it horribly wrong to keep controlling interest of it all while our currency fails miserably under mounting debt caused by horrid policy. F*ck the norm. Shift the paradigm so people can never "work" a day in their life by simply doing something that they have a passion for.

Did you really think the world would let slavery go? Pfft! They've just gift wrapped it!  For most, college is an avenue to being an indentured servant.

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