Before I even dared to form my thoughts into written form over my opinion on this matter, I already expected a backlash from many people I consider friends. To me, that's fine. Anything written that provokes emotion, heated but healthy debate, and general hysteria is worth putting out there. Things such as this invigorate and stimulate the mind. Sporting events, however, do little to stimulate my mind. In general, sports deaden my mind and simply annoy the utter shit out of me. People that go ape shit crazy over a game on TV and base their entire day on watching a particular sporting event annoy me to no end. I can't count how many times I've contacted a friend and asked if they'd like to join me for a meal or other activity only to have a stern, "No way, man! The Mississippi Mud Midgets versus The Dover Dick Nuggets game is on TV today" directed towards me in a tone that states several things:
- Are you an idiot for not knowing that so and so game is being played and shown on TV today?
- Were you born without a set of balls?
- Are you some sort of sissy?
- Do you lack proper manhood and/or masculinity?
- How in the world could you conceive of something more valuable or fulfilling to do with your time on this day while I can barely reserve time to evacuate my bowels while The Mud Midgets battle The Dick Nuggets so fiercely on the field today?
Don't get me wrong. Athletics and sporting events don't wholly suck. They do mostly suck, though. I do perceive some value in sporting events and I've even played certain sports. Since I've actually participated, I feel that it gives me license to toss my opinion out there. Nothing grinds my gears more than people pontificating on certain subjects with absolutely no personal experience to back up their rants.
On the subject of watching sporting events, I think public gatherings for live sporting events can be quite exciting. I used to love attending Pittsburgh Penguin NHL games back in the day when Mario Lemieux and Jaromir Jager helped bring the city back to back Stanley Cups. I grew up in Pittsburgh and my friend, who always had season tickets, was generous enough to take me along to the games regularly during those days. I also used to love attending major league baseball games. Enjoying some cold beers while shelling peanuts and taking in what is, arguably, one of the most boring sports to watch besides golf can actually be mighty relaxing in my opinion. Last, as far as watching sports on TV goes, I love the Olympic games. Most of the events being practiced are exotic disciplines that you just don't see that often. Watching the world come together for peaceful competition versus mindlessly killing each other over political or religious reasons actually puts hope in my heart for the human race.
On the subject of actually playing sports, believe it or not, I actually played ice hockey for fun and exercise at one point in my life. Was I good at it? Hell, no! I was pretty horrible at it but my buddies and I would pool our money together to rent the rink from time to time and play. Have I ever been good at any sport? Arguably and surprisingly, yes. I grew up attending some pretty impressive golf camps. My first real professional teacher of the sport coached Jack Nicklaus. The Golden Bear himself. I played for many years mainly because my Father has been somewhat of a golf fanatic all his life. People always told me I was a natural at it and I even took Summer jobs at driving ranges. Deep down I began hating the game, though. My attention span for the sport grew thin. Standing in the middle of a field chasing a tiny ball into a gopher hole 12 miles away with a little metal stick while baking in the sun became infuriating to me. Ironically, I've actually played / participated in actual sports more than your average meat headed barfly that annoyingly hoots and hollers at the local bar while watching the Saucy Town Scat Nibblers battle it out with the Turkington Turd Burglars on a Sunday afternoon.
Through all this, I still consider myself a sports hater. I loathe lounging in a bar trying to have intelligent conversation and having 234 TV panels being turned up so a bunch of yodeling yeehaws can puff out their chests and scream at something I view as meaningless to our existence. No sporting event has started or stopped a war. No sporting event has ever truly affected the local or global economy. No sporting event has shifted global trade. No sporting event has curbed suffering from hunger or disease. In all this, you catch my drift. Sports are simply an entertainment outlet. Sports are an escape from reality for some people. I understand all this. However, for some odd reason, it's the one entertainment outlet that's treated by many as a life altering moment. By the utterly annoying cacophony of sound coming out of local bar patron Bob Slidinski, you would think his first born was exiting the birth canal. Nope, that jarring sound you heard was simply caused by some dude he doesn't know on the boob tube crossing a line drawn on the ground with some animal skin held to tension by air pressure. In retrospect, most "amazing" games played disappear from memory like a fart in the wind. This leaves me wondering why the hell so much time and energy was put into the thing in the first place.
The most ludicrous phenomenon in the sporting community is that of the sports announcer. The mouthpieces of meat heads. I'd like to shove these blowhards into a blender with the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and hit puree. The extent and level to which these talking heads take sports amazes me. The fact that these people have the ability to recall inane statistics such as the weight of the dirt collected in Jacko Johnheimers jock strap when he slid into home plate in 1912 at so and so game makes my head spin. What's even more mind boggling to me is that these people can relate said weight of jock strap dirt collected in 1912 to what just happened as the Kentucky Krinkle Dicks won over the Virginia Vajayjays. It's simply amazing to me. I don't think government economists can wrangle statistics as effectively as these people. I would honestly admire this talent if it actually created anything of value.
In the world of entertainment, to each his own. Certain things I view as entertainment are viewed as drivel by others. I understand and respect this. However, the social pressure for everyone to actually give a f*ck about sporting events is what really chars my nards. The fact that I'm viewed as someone who has been "living under a rock" because, without fail, each year I have no damn clue who's playing in the super bowl even a day before the game pisses me off. The mass hysteria and sheep-like existence of sports fans knows no boundaries in many realms. The fact that my pursuits of more enlightening endeavors on any given Sunday (like my reference there?), is looked down upon by some is just as silly and humorous as the sports themselves.